Viagra Super Active

Sildenafil Citrate

Viagra Super ActiveViagra Super Active is the drug to treat pulmonary hypertension (it lowers the blood pressure) & to deal with a weak erection of men. It is also manufactured for women but in the other forms of issuing. Still, the main active substance is Sildenafil.

Main advantages of Viagra Super Active from India

There are few main advantages of Viagra Super Active from India compared to the other similar drugs:

  • it starts working after 30 minutes from the intake
  • it usually not causes or causes mild, or another way not strong side effects
  • it is very cheap: from $1.50 per 1 pill.

Use, doses, indications & contraindications of otc Viagra Super Active

indian viagra super activeWe have 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120 & 180 pills in a pack. They all contain 100 mg of the active substance.

Indications: erectile dysfunction or pulmonary hypertension. Usually, take it at least 30 minutes prior to anticipated sexual interaction in order to make it work well on your body. If taken for pulmonary hypertension, make sure you stick to recommendations of your doctor & try not to skip your doses. It is contraindicated for people with too low blood pressure, suffering from liver or liver+kidneys diseases & impairments. Do not take it together with nitrates & nitrites. Avoid taking it if you have a personal intolerance to the active substance.

Side effects of Indian Viagra Super Active

  • increased intra-eyes pressure
  • loss of peripheral vision
  • ventricular arrhythmias
  • too low blood pressure
  • myocardial infarction
  • blurriness of vision
  • sudden hearing loss
  • prolonged erections
  • nasal congestion
  • impaired vision
  • photophobia
  • indigestion
  • cyanopsia
  • headache
  • flushing
  • stroke

Some of them are mild & pass on their own but some of them can cause big discomfort & even pain. Address to a doctor each time you believe you are experiencing strong side effects. During that, inform them that you have taken Sildenafil.

How to buy Indian Viagra Super Active

Our online pharmacy offers everyone to purchase Sildenafil with a discount during the sale. We have the cheapest generic drugs. Prices for a pill vary depending on how big pack of the medication you will order for a delivery from 1.5 to 3 dollars.

Additional information about over the counter Viagra Super Active tablets

This remedy is a blue pill with a hard coating of almost oval form. It is produced by an Indian company & is further distributed all over the world. It is cheap thanks to many factors of production:

  • low tax fares
  • low salaries of workers of factories
  • no commercial expenses
  • no need to discover the already known & effective formula
  • no need to have a big supporting selling network as everything is sold through the Internet.

Storage & the end information about Viagra Super Active without a prescription

It is not safe to use a drug with expired shelf life. Do not give it to anyone but you. Especially keep an eye on prohibiting its occasional or intentional intake by your children & pets. Do not expose pills to direct sunlight, water or open air. Use the tablet as soon as you’ve opened the packing film.

If you’ve missed your current dose, take the next dose as soon as you remember about it & have such an opportunity. Do not double the intake as it may lead to health deterioration.

PackagePricePer pillSavingsOrder
100mg x 10 pills$39.95$4.00
100mg x 20 pills$49.95$2.50$29.95
100mg x 30 pills$65.95$2.20$53.90
100mg x 60 pills$113.95$1.90$125.75
100mg x 90 pills$152.95$1.70$206.60
100mg x 120 pills$191.95$1.60$287.45
100mg x 180 pills$269.95$1.50$449.15